
Predict Performance, Minimize Disruptions

Our RedRaven predictive analytics capabilities provide real-time equipment monitoring and analysis, enabling you to predict why your critical assets may experience issues and take preventive action before it happens. You can identify potential issues earlier than with traditional condition monitoring and prevent disruptions before they lead to downtime.


Our predictive engineered algorithms are designed specifically for flow control equipment and systems. And they are the only algorithms that can identify more than 15 pump failure modes, so you will know why your equipment might experience issues and what you can do to prevent it.

Pump TypesOH, BB1, BB2, BB4, vertical
Bearing TypeAnti-friction
Sensors1 Detect on each bearing housing

Detect analytics

With our engineered algorithms and our optimized Detect vibration sensor, you can predict major pump failure modes, including:

  • Mechanical and dynamic failure modes
  • Hydraulic failure modes
  • Wear failure modes
Pump TypesOH, BB1, BB2, BB4, vertical
Bearing TypesAnti-friction
Sensors1 Detect on each bearing housing
2 pressure sensors (suction/discharge)
1 temperature sensor (suction)
1 flow meter

Performance analytics

Performance analytics takes predicting equipment performance to the next level with even more failure mode detection algorithms. Performance analytics collects additional process parameters, such as pressure, temperature and flowrate, to evaluate and optimize the performance of your pumps and expand the predictive capabilities and their accuracy.

Explore our technology

Click on the icons in the graphic above to learn more about our technology.

Site Infrastructure


Site Infrastructure


Proactively identifying and preventing equipment issues before they cause downtime starts with the right sensors and communications technology. See what sets our site-level technology apart.

System Architecture


System Architecture


Encrypted data, secure gateways and private networks help ensure cybersecurity at every point in the process. Learn more about how we keep your data safe and secure.

Analytics Engine


Analytics Engine


Generating useful insights starts with analytics, and we’ve built our analytics engine specifically for pumps, valves and seals. See how the analytics engine turns data into insights.

Monitoring Platform


Monitoring Platform


Since your equipment is under constant monitoring, you’ll know when assets deviate from desired performance thresholds. Learn more about active monitoring and control.


Click on the icons in the graphic above to learn more about our technology.

Site-Level Tech

Proactively identifying and preventing equipment issues before they cause downtime starts with the right sensors and communications technology. See what sets our site-level technology apart.

Safe and Secure

Encrypted data, secure gateways and private networks help ensure cybersecurity at every point in the process. Learn more about how we keep your data safe and secure.

Meaningful Insights

Generating useful insights starts with analytics, and we’ve built our analytics engine specifically for pumps, valves and seals. See how the analytics engine turns data into insights.

Know Now

Since your equipment is under constant monitoring, you’ll know when assets deviate from desired performance thresholds. Learn more about active monitoring and control.

RedRaven services


Predict why your critical assets might experience issues and take preventive action.

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Easily capture asset data to see equipment issues and optimize your maintenance.

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Flowserve Monitoring Center

Flowserve Monitoring Center

See how our monitoring center supports your team with insights, alerts and recommendations.

How to get started
How to get started

Learn how to get started with Flowserve RedRaven IoT. 

Ready to take your business to the next level?

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